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Google Apps (per user)

Google Apps Email Hosting


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Google Apps - G Suite

Everything you need in one package.

Odoo CMS - a big picture


Get professional business email with Google-powered search, up to 30GB of storage, offline support, spam protection, integrated video meetings and much more.


Arrange meetings at times that work for everyone, respond to invitations from right within your inbox, stay on schedule with event reminders and access your calendars offline.


Store your files in the cloud, access them from anywhere, export with ease and always know you have the latest version.


Create, share and edit documents with your whole team in real time, without ever having to click save.


Co-edit spreadsheets from any location or device, viewing revision history with a simple click and exchanging feedback through discussion-style comments.


Craft professional presentations through real-time teamwork, and enhance them with videos, images, drawings and transitions.


Build an intranet for your company, a project site for your team or a portal for customers without writing a single line of code.

Hangouts Meet

Connect with your team from anywhere. With easy-to-join video calls, you can meet face to face without the added cost of travel.


Easily add users, manage devices and configure security and settings so your data stays safe. Administration shouldn't need a manual.

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Google Apps (per user)