IFTTT (an abbreviation of "If This Then That") is a free web-based service that allows users to create chains of simple conditional statements, called "recipes", which are triggered based on changes to other web services and products.
IFTTT integration into Control4 allows Control4 to control any of the products or services integrated into IFTTT and have those products also control Control4.
This expands the integration of Control4 to support numerous functions that it natively does not do. We have listed a few examples of what integration can bring to Control4 below and have also stepped through programming some of the ones we feel are useful to a lot of people. Note that this is a small list of things we liked. There are a lot of other things you can do currently (with lots more coming in future to IFTTT) so we suggest you check out the channels on the IFTTT website.
We are keen to hear about what cool things you have done with the driver. Let us know via twitter, email or forum post.
This driver will only work on Control4 OS 2.6 and above.
“I think everyone is going to love this! This is a great driver that will give SO much power to control4! And you can trigger off anything and everything that integrates with IFTTT”
— Mitch Greenfield
Control your white good appliances such as ovens, dish washers, washing machinese, dryers and robot vacuum cleaners. (see guide linked below)
Control4 can send SMS’s via your Android phone (IF app must be downloaded to the phone)
Control4 can call your phone number and say a message (for security alarms, smoke alarms and other emergencies).
Control4 can save data about the events in your home in google docs or dropbox.
Control4 can save data about the events in your home to IFTTT’s daily or weekly email digest.
Control4 can send emails out without 4sight or 3rd party driver
Control4 can send push notifications out without 4sight or 3rd party driver (using pushalot, pushbullet or pushover)
Control4 can send Skype messages
Control4 can send Google Glass notifications (with Message, Image URL and URL fields).
Control4 can send notifications to your Android wear device (requires IF app installed).
Control4 can send your BMW (Connected Drive Compatible) a message on your car’s front screen display (120 characters limited)
Control4 can find lost items (needs tags) or phones (call your phone).
Control4 can send your Tesla (EVE enabled) a message (with subject, message and message type fields) on your car’s dashboard
Control4 can turn on or off your GE Smart Appliance and more.
Control4 can tell your Android phone to turn on/off Bluetooth or wifi (might be useful when you’re leaving or coming back home).
Tell the world via Facebook what your home is upto (might not be a good idea).
When batteries are low on your Control4 sensors add a reminder to your IOS reminders app.
Get the on/off state of your white good appliances such as ovens, dish washers, washing machinese, dryers and robot vacuum cleaners (see guide linked below).
Amazon Alexa (Amazon Echo, Tap, etc) can send commands to Control4 via voice recognition to do things like turn lights on, play music, house off and more.
Microsoft Cortana can send commands to Control4 via voice recognition from any Windows 10 PC or compatible Windows Phone to do things like turn lights on, play music, house off and more.
Google Assistant (Google Home and Google Pixel) can send commands to Control4 via voice recognition to do things like dim the lights to a certain percentage or change the thermostat to a specific setpoint (see guide linked below)
Control4 can read out stock prices or notify you when they raise or lower (requires Chowmain Advanced Announcements Driver)
Control4 can pause your music and videos when you answer your phone (android only)
Control4 can read out tweets when someone mentions you on twitter (requires Chowmain Advanced Announcements Driver)
Control4 can detect if a specific person has entered or left a room/zone using beacons.
iOS Location and Android Location (via the IF app) can tell Control4 when you are approaching or leaving home.
Send a warning to Control4 when something has been picked up or moved (needs wireless tag)
Your BMW (Connected Drive Compatible) can tell Control4 when it is entering or exiting an area.
Your EVE enabled Tesla car can tell Control4 when it has arrived home, is leaving home or on the way home.
Your Automatic, Zubie or Dash enabled car can tell Conrol4 when you have turned the car on or off within a certain area.
Your GE, LG and Samsung Smart appliances can tell Control4 when it has been turned on, off, if for example an oven timer is done, if there is a leak in the dishwasher, if the filter needs cleaning, if the dryer cycle has finished, if the fridge door has been left open for too long,
Your Nest Protect smoke alarm can send Control4 smoke emergency, warning and carbon monoxide emergencies
Your Netatmo Welcome can tell Control4 when a specific person, known person or even an unknown person has been seen or arrives home (facial recognition)
Your Roost Smart Battery can tell Control4 (via the announcement agent) when its battery is low (Great for smoke alarms).
Control Control4 via SMS or phone call to IFTTT.
Have Control4 read out your meetings (including subject, body & location) on outlook 365 calendar or Google calendar 15 minutes before the meeting (requires Chowmain Advanced Announcements driver)
If the temperature (via weather forecast/conditions) changes in your area tell Control4 to do something.
Your Android phone can tell Control4 when it has connected or disconnected to/from a specific Wifi network.
Change the colours of your RGB LED’s to your teams colour using the ESPN channel when the game starts.